My Meetings Control Overview

As of 7.6.0, this control has been visually redesigned for optimal performance for mobile users.

The My Meetings control displays a list of up to four meetings for which the logged in web user has registered. It also displays links that allow web users to view the Meeting Detail page and the Registration Summary step of the meeting registration workflow. If a user is registered for more than four meetings, he/she can navigate to Purchase History control to see all meeting registrations. The My Meetings control will only display parent products and will not display any subproducts. In addition, it will only display active meetings; proforma and cancelled meetings will not display.


See Configuring the Web Settings for the My Meetings Control for more information on how to drop this control onto a page on your e-Business website.


Before configuring the My Meetings control, it is important that your back office configurations are accurate. If not, these configurations will not display properly on your e-Business website. See Configuring the Back Office Settings for the My Meetings Control for more information on the system types and codes that need to be web enabled before setting up this control.

 If you want to change the default date/time format to a different country's date/time format this setting has to be updated in the web.config:
            <add key="DefaultCulture" value="en-US"/>

Customer Impact

After configuring the My Meetings control, your web users will see the control similar to the one displayed below.

As of 7.6.0, web users have the ability to register other people, as well as themselves, for a meeting; this functionality is referred to as Register Someone Else. As with other registrations, the line ship-to customer can access a registration placed in his/her name from the My Meetings control. They can add details, sessions, etc. Web users that open a meeting from this control will not see the group registration workflow. They will see the Registration Summary page for the Register Myself workflow. Additionally, the web user that registered others for a meeting can see the group order from the Purchase History control, but they will not see registrations in the My Meetings control unless they are the line ship-to customer.

If the event is web-enabled in the back office, the event name will display as a link and will direct web users to the Meeting Details page. If the product is not web-enabled in the back office (i.e., the meeting registration was created in the back office, not on the web), the event name will not be a link.


The date(s) and time of the meeting also displays, as well as the user-friendly time zone, as defined in the back office. A meeting set up in the back office to start at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) will display on a calendar as noon for a user who downloads it to a Pacific Standard Time (PST) calendar. When the meeting is downloaded to a calendar, the time is recalculated using the Time Zone offset field. See Configuring the Back Office Settings for the My Meetings Control for more information.

The Location of the meeting will display the city and state defined for the meeting. A web user must view the Meeting Details page or the meeting registration workflow for more information about a meeting's location, including facility and rooms.


If the web users clicks the View Registration link for a meeting that is web-enabled, he/she will be directed to the Registration Summary step of the meeting registration workflow. The registrant will be permitted to view and edit information defined during the registration process, if the meeting is web-enabled.

If a new question is added to the product questionnaire after customers have already completed their meeting registration, if the customer returns to view his/her meeting registration on the web, the system will prompt the customer to answer the new question(s) if the question is required.

If the web user clicks the View Registration link for a meeting that is NOT web-enabled, he/she will be directed to the Order Summary page.